Monday, May 4, 2009

Spare Change?

So, I was getting on the bus this morning.  Let the two women on first.  The first woman spoke little to no English.  She put her money into the receptacle and was a dime short.  The courteous bus driver told her, "Ten cents more", but that made little sense to the woman.  She dropped in a quarter.  "Want a change card?" the driver asked.  (our buses are equipped with machines that accept and dispense the magnetic striped cards.).  The woman  had no idea what "change card" meant.  She knew only "transfer".  "Ah," says the bus driver, "that will be $2.25" (another 50 cents).  A puzzled look appeared on the woman's face.  

Ready?  Here's the positive deed of the day.

The woman behind her said, "I'll take care of it."  Reached into her coin purse and deposited the required amount.   The driver handed the first woman the transfer card.  She turned to the second woman, gave a meek nod, and that puzzled look turned into a bright smile.

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